
Very few of us can claim whole food training when we were growing up. We know some foods are good for us, but a consistent lifestyle seems to be getting more difficult all the time. Even when we make nutritious meals a priority, life events can generate imbalances that can slowly take over our health.

In my personal journey, I grew up with many healthy foods on the family farm. Whole foods were regularly on the table and the family enjoyed good health for many years. As I grew up and lived on my own, convenience and a faster pace of life brought in more packaged food and quick meals. I was slowly beginning to gain weight and lose energy.

When I got married, my wife and I began to build a life together, which included cooking meals together, but I did not know how many nutrients we were missing out on. Then a health crisis brought our attention to the significant impact quality food sources have on our health. These sources changed our family forever.


SuperFood Plus

This product was one of the first supplement sources for vitamin and mineral support that was recommended to my wife and I when we began our nutrition journey.

This product continues to be a regular resource in our lifestyle. When life gets stressful and we are not getting the nutrient intake that keeps everything going, then SuperFood by Dr. Schulze is a great product.

Available in powder form or in tablet form. My personal choice is the powder form mixed in a little vegetable broth. The hot drink is like a quick cup of vegetable soup to get the day going.

All vegan, organic sources for all the nutrients.

Check out all that is available from Dr. Schulze with the button below.


Weston Price Foundation

This organization helps identify quality whole food sources in your area through a grassroots network of chapters throughout the world.

Weston Price completed research in the 1930s showing the health benefits of whole foods including quality fat sources and raw milk.

While each individual will have different nutrient requirements, everyone needs to find more of those whole foods that will work best for them. There were many quality foods that our grandparents grew up eating that we know nothing about or have forgotten. This foundation helps individuals to rediscover health through quality foods.

During this last week in August, you can join as a member of the foundation at a 25% discounted rate. Check out the website and see all the resources available.